Kunlun wechat bank

How to realize the website construction of local commercial banks? How to provide a comprehensive and humanized user experience for bank customers? How to satisfy the marketing and publicity of various products of banking enterprises? How to build an "online bank" in line with the era of mobile Internet?

Kunlun bank, formerly known as Karamay commercial bank, was founded on December 31, 2005. After PetroChina group increased capital and holding twice and PetroChina acquired 92% of its shares, it was officially renamed Kunlun bank on April 20, 2009, and its headquarters is planned to move to Beijing.

The new design of the website highlights the functions of banking and online services.


Seamless integration of Baidu map service, graphical display of network map, to provide customers with more intuitive network query services.


Trinity mobile new channel platform: quickly deploy mobile banking and wechat banking, realize access to multiple wechat public service numbers, and build a new mobile channel platform of Kunlun bank integrating marketing, service and transaction.

  Integrated customer service scheme: the service content includes location service, message service, etc.; the functions of account binding, account information, personal non sensitive information query, dynamic account information push are realized; the call center and online customer service are integrated.

  Intelligent robot self-service: with the help of free and open interface and the intelligent robot system independently developed by China Science and technology union, it can realize semantic understanding, intelligent cross examination, self-service and service marketing, and provide better online services for the vast number of depositors.

  WeChat official account: Bank of Kunlun


Wechat bank

My wealth: balance query (enter wechat bank account binding interface), details query (enter wechat bank account binding interface), scan code to view receipt (open QR code scanning function), product introduction (push content: financial products, bank cards), binding account (enter wechat bank account binding interface)

E + life: Oil coin Mall (enter oil coin Mall: homepage, my oil coin, classification, shopping cart, mine), wonderful activities (enter 2019 oil you control activity interface), financial market (push content: Financial Market: deposit interest rate, loan interest rate, foreign exchange quotation, repeated content), preferential merchants (catering, shopping, life service, leisure and entertainment and other businesses in 6 cities) User recommendation: after entering, only information such as signboard service, preferential rules, merchant address, service phone number, etc.) and credit card (push content: introduction of credit card, inquiry of card application progress, activation and handling, download of credit card APP)

Our services: inquiry and appointment (push content: inquiry and appointment, outlet inquiry and appointment (function failure), corporate account opening appointment), campus recruitment in 2019 (wechat login failure displayed on Android mobile phone, unable to display content), Internet connection agreement management (enter the query interface of commercial entrustment agreement), mobile banking download (enter the download interface of Android and apple), direct banking Bank Download (jump to the download address of Kunlun direct bank APP)